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Voice Masculinization

Abby offers voice masculinization on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and online. For more information:



Masculinization and Exploring Masculinization Speech/Voice Features:


During transmasculine speech therapy, Abby provides many tools for you to use while exploring what your voice can do and what feels right for you. As the tools are introduced, you can decide what you want to continue to practice and implement into your life. This approach to voice therapy is individualized and allows you to complete a voice program that helps you find your inner voice. When it comes to gender and your voice, you are the one with the expertise. 


When working with transgender voice masculinization, the following areas are introduced and explored:
- Vocal health and vocal conditioning – exercises for the overall health of vocal folds and to prepare them for practice. This is an important component to voice therapy, vocal therapy or vocal training. 

- Resonance - helps to produce a healthy and full voice quality. This is based on resonance voice therapy (Lessac-Madsen Resonance Voice Therapy). Pitch can be worked on here if needed. Chest resonance can also be addressed.

- Resonance of the voice after it leaves the vocal folds - this can be accomplished by adjusting the lip, tongue and larynx placement.

- Voice quality- the amount of breathiness can be considered.

- Inflection- this refers to how much the pitch varies as someone talks.

- Generalization- now the tricky part! Using your new voice in everyday life.

During voice therapy we can discuss:

- How voice is produced. When participating in a vocal training, vocal therapy or any type of speech therapy, it is important to have some understanding of how the voice is made. 

- Differences between voice production systems

- Masculine/feminine characteristics of voice and communication

How the assessment and voice therapy process works:

The first voice therapy session will be an assessment to gather some base-line data. This data can consist of vocal parameters such as voice quality, resonance and average speaking pitch. After this first assessment, voice therapy can begin.

The number of sessions needed varies per person. Some people are comfortable practicing on their own after less than 8 sessions, while others want more than 12 sessions. Completing just a few sessions is always an option too. 

Any speech and language therapy program requires regular daily practice. This practice is necessary to make changes to your voice habits. At the beginning of speech therapy, your practice will be to systematically review or explore the material given in therapy. Once you begin to understand what changes you want to make, your job will be to practice, practice, practice and then incorporate what you've been practicing into everyday life. Overall, change takes:

- a willingness to experiment with your voice, then

- a period of specific, solid practice, and then

- a conscious effort to use what you've been practicing in real life.

Regardless what settings or how often you present in your confirming gender, you can set goals for your voice and practice what you're learning in voice therapy.

The timing of sessions within the speech therapy program varies and can be designed to suit your schedule, your preference and your style of practice. Some people prefer weekly speech therapy sessions, biweekly speech therapy sessions or monthly speech therapy sessions. Sessions can also vary in length but are usually about 1-2 hours. Intensive formats (between 3-7 hours) can accommodate people traveling from out of town. On-line therapy can complement this intensive format or the entire voice therapy can be completed on-line.  For more information regarding online speech therapy please click here:

When considering implementing any kind of voice change, it is necessary to be aware that changes can cause problems for the vocal cords if precautions are not taken. This can be caused by tension and stress on the vocal cords. However, with care and professional guidance, manipulating the voice can be done safely.  

What can be done in preparation for the beginning of therapy ?:

- Contact Abby to check for availability and to set a time to complete the initial assessment and begin speech therapy. Before therapy actually begins, voice conditioning exercises can also be introduced to prepare the vocal cords.

- Consider your vocal health. Do you stay well hydrated by drinking enough water? Might you have acid reflux?

-If you have extended medical benefits, look into your coverage.

- Be ready to experiment with your voice and have fun! 

Cost: For current fees, contact Abby. Medical benefits may cover some or all of the costs.

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